The Addiction Treatment Centre is a new and exciting venture that brings together the talent, expertise and the latest treatments available to help sufferers using approved medication from some of the leading pharmaceutical companies in the world.
It is currently based in Somaliland and will be opening further offices in Somalia.
ATC ‘s global headquarters are in London, UK and will operate using state of the art tools to manage its operations worldwide making sure customers are receiving the best quality treatment that is consistent with its core mission.
Addiction Treatment Center is led by a team of individuals who share in its vision of a healthier society with access to quality, affordable, and safe Treatments. We also bring passion, Integrity and team work to achieve our ultimate vision of being a leading Treatment Clinic in Somaliland. Our highly experienced team has qualifications and access to expertise in all phases of supply chain management of pharmaceutical products.
Qoraalka bogga hore Xarunta daawaynta maandooriyaasha waa hawl cusub oo xiiso badan oo isu keenta kartida, khibrada iyo dawooyinkii ugu dambeeyay ee la heli karo si loogu caawiyo dadka xanuunsanaya isticmaalka dawooyinka la ansixiyay ee qaar ka mid ah shirkadaha dawooyinka ee aduunka ugu horeeya.
Waxa ay hadda xarunteedu tahay Somaliland oo ay xafiisyo kale ka furan doontaa Soomaaliya.
Xarunta caalamiga ah ee ATC waxay ku taal London, UK waxayna ku shaqayn doontaa iyadoo la isticmaalayo qalab casri ah si ay u maamusho hawlaheeda aduunka oo dhan iyadoo hubinaysa in macaamiishu helaan daawaynta tayada ugu wanaagsan ee waafaqsan hadafkeeda asaasiga ah.
Global Addiction treatment center based in London and REGA pharmaceutical company based in India has signed a partnership agreement and has developed Anti khat and Anti Drugs products. These 2 companies has a Distribution agreement with Germany pharmacy based in Hargaisa in Somaliland.
The above 2 companies will also open an Addiction Treatment Center both Mogadishu and Hargaisa in 2023.
Germany pharmacy will be distributing the above products in Somalia and Somaliland on our behalf
If you need further information please contact the following numbers.
Tel number: 00 (252) 63 4001773
:63 4058560
:63 4724420